School Diary - First Day of School
School Diary - Day "0" (The Registration Day)
I can say Zahra was so excited about school. Only few times she refused of school matters. What made her so excited about the school is the plays : the slide, the seesaw, the ladder, and the likes. After considering A,B,C....X, Y, Z and performing an istikharah, we finally decided for a registration agenda.
New academic term has been started since Sunday (19/09) this week. But we just registered yesterday (Wednesday 23/09). Alhamdulillah, seat was still available.
At the first place when entering the school yard, the play things attracted her at most. Secondly, she was wondered about the decorating paintings on the wall. Then recognised some letters painted on that wall.
We explained about the situation, about the class, the pupils, their activities, etc. (Well, actually we have pre-introduced and explained her long days before). Zahra was so excited that made her couldn't wait to join the class. Since we were still completing the registration, -meaning that Zahra was not an official pupil yet,- we didn't let her.
When Zahra's father was out for completing all payments, we played outside, at the playing area. Not many Zahra could play there. There were only seesaw, slide, and a tiny house. Suddenly, the door of one class opened that made us able to see pupils in the class. I let Zahra know and see them, "Zahra, look! Friends!". One of the pupils came out. Zahra went toward her. But the teacher asked the girl to come back inside. Unrealised Zahra following the girl, the teacher closed the door. Zahra looked upset. She came back to the playing zone.
When Zahra was playing, she saw an orange ball somewhere. She picked it up and showed me. She asked whose ball that was. I told Zahra that probably the ball that belongs to the pupils, "Perhaps they didn't know that they left the ball..." Then Zahra said, "Mah, tunggu ya. Tunggu di sini". Then Zahra brought the ball with her and walked toward the class. "Knock! Knock!" Zahra was knocking at the door firmly. "knock! Knock!" Zahra was knocking at the door firmly again. Then the teacher (apparently she was Indian -later I know her name is Ms. Laksmi) opened the door. With a wide surprising eyes she accepted the ball from Zahra. Full of smiles, she thanked to Zahra. Then she asked, "What's your name?". Zahra -who had been trained to answer such question- answered Ms. Laksmi's question. But Ms. Laksmi couldn't hear clearly what Zahra was saying. Then she looked at me -who was observing at a distance- asking the name. Ms. Laksmi thank to Zahra again. To appreciate what Zahra had done and to show an example of a good deed to the pupils, Ms Laksmi welcomed Zahra to showed up in front of the class. I think she introduced Zahra and explained the children what Zahra did about the ball. As Ms Laksmi let Zahra go, she asked for a hug, but Zahra looked reluctance to do it (later I find out that is because Ms Laksmi doesn't wear hijab, according my "interview" with Zahra).
With "jaim" smile, Zahra then back to me afterward...
Since it was quite hot that day, we came inside of the building. Somehow the teachers let Zahra join the class while I stayed waiting outside. Quite a while Zahra was being with the pupils and the teachers. Then Ms. Laksmi appeared. I was thinking that she would bring Zahra. Instead, she asked, "Are you Indonesian, right? Can you help me. There was an Indonesian boy crying and I don't know what he wants."
The crying boy, Adam, did not want anything. He only wanted his mother with him.
Is the following days REALLY easier as I thought....? Don't miss my next diary :) InsyaAllah...
Doha, 14 Syawwal 1431 H / 23 September 2010
-Ummu Zahra-
Photo by Ummu Zahra
Psikologi Suami Istri (1) - Yang Pertama
“Psikologi Suami – Istri : Memahami Perbedaan Tabiat dan Karakter Seksis Laki-laki dan Perempuan Demi Membangun Keharmonisan Hidup Berkeluarga”
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya “menemukan” buku ini, dan tidak berlebihan jika saya katakan : I fell in love with this book for the very first sight.
Apa yang saya tidak pahami berkenaan dengan hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan (pernikahan) terjawab oleh buku ini. Suatu judul buku karangan DR. Thariq Kamal An-Nu’aimi. Buku ini sangat membantu dalam memahami perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, cara berpikir, cara bertindak, serta dinamikanya.
Mengutip pengantar dari penerbit :
“Buku yang ada di tangan Anda ini sedikit banyak akan merubah pemahaman kita perihal hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan. Karena di dalamnya mengungkap kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering kita perbuat secara spontan melalui tindakan kita sehari-hari. Yaitu kesalahan yang tidak disengaja meski bertujuan untuk membahagiakan pasangan kita. Kesalahan tersebut muaranya menyebabkan kesedihan, kesusahan, kejengkelan, keresahan dan penyesalan, yang akan terus berlanjut, sepanjang kita hidup dalam naungan suatu ikatan perkawinan, kesalahan itu sendiri bisa berlanjut pada sesuatu yang sangat dibenci Allah. Yaitu perceraian yang akan merobohkan bangunan kehidupan suami istri, merobohkan institusi keluarga dengan segala kebaikannya. Akibatnya dapat merusak kesehatan mental kita.”
Inilah yang mendorong saya berbagi sebagian dari isi buku ini. Sebenarnya terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan untuk membaca buku ini bagian per bagian, kata per kata, karena keseluruhannya merupakan dinamika yang membantu kita memahami pasangan kita secara lebih baik dan membangun suatu hubungan yang sehat dan penuh kebahagiaan. Namun tentunya saya paham tidak semua orang gemar membaca buku. Tidak semua orang punya cukup waktu melahap 701 halaman buku. Oleh karena itu, saya mencoba meringkasnya dan membaginya dalam beberapa bagian posting tulisan agar para sahabat dapat mengambil manfaatnya. InsyaAllah….
Doha, 13 Syawwal 1431 H / 21 September 2010
-Ummu Zahra-